Monday, May 26, 2014

Soccer time lapse / AWB issues

First off, I decided to do a time lapse during my daughter Lindsay's soccer game. I have noticed that while indoors, the camera module with default settings in raspistill does a decent job with auto white balance, but outdoors, it is a mess. Greens are non-existant...

raspicam with default settings
-awb sun (auto white balance = sun)
-awb sun -sa 20 (saturation = 20)
-awb sun -sa 70 -co 50 (contrast = 50)
-awb sun -sa 70 -co 50 -mm matrix (metering mode = matrix)

Obviously, I have some more trial and error to do. It's a shame that the camera doesn't cope well with sunny conditions. Anyhow, here is the time lapse of the soccer game without any correction:


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